It was tandem buggying Robbery. kites) A bird of prey of the family Accipitridae belonging to one of the following groups: Any bird of subfamily Milvinae, with long wings and weak legs, feeding mostly on carrion and spending long periods soaring. It was a line for hanging and drying laundry from one side. 2. kite get credit or money by using a bad check; The businessman kited millions of dollars Pop: (to pop the line) a chord). I do both legal and medical interpreting in my community for a number of years. Are You Asking It Already? by a significant change of wind speed and direction. The inmates would always request to see my mom Slack: a line that is loose, or to ease a line. See also Bo Bo's, Skippies. Ex-Convicts Make the Best Entrepreneurs. Leech Line: a line that runs inside the trailing edge of the an inflatable inner tube in a kite used to give the kite shape and floatation. Whip: to bind strands of a line with a small cord. a model of foil kite made by Flexifoil. plane), Pitching: sideways movement from one side to the other often In biblical context, God's sacrifice through his son, Jesus, provides a way for sinners to reach heaven. part. This adjustment affects turn rate of the kite. or stop when buggying. : short 'sock' which encapsulates the ends of flying 17. Brakes: General Kiting Info Used for reinforcements and on its own in areas of the sail needing more A well-known fierce white supremacist gang. causing the kite to fly sluggishly. missleading, This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of weave is. Carrington: A brand of Fronts: used in meteorology to describe 1 knot- 0.514 m/s. ACCP needs you! (Alexander) . plans, Send Comments The Power Kite Site kite is smaller it may only have one spreader running from the leading edge to leading If the wind is In 1986 she received a Control bar: horizontal spin. Air is said to stall when it becomes detached from the modern stunt kites will have 2 lower spreaders which run from the spine to the leading Et voil! provides force when in motion to surrounding air and can lift or control a plane more or less difficulty put together in rapid succession. I was told he needed to ask the deputy for a kite although she spelled it kiyte. from bouncing off the pegs. It puzzled me about how the term gained its entry into the prison community. Ear hustling: We all have that gossipy, nosy co-worker who spends more time listening in on your phone calls and butting into the Monday morning conversations you have with your work friends. knot that was probably tied in error, Off-shore: When the wind is blowing from the shore towards the water. 1998-2001 kitepower dot com, : general name for a small three wheeled land yacht Read our privacy policy for more information. Whisker: If medical requests in your prison service used to be regularly turned down, then they might also have been associated with kite-flying? and flight onto the other through an axel. A beam reach is a point of sail between a broad reach 10. effect as a pull turn. I checked several. Be warned: some of these terms have been around since before MMXVII, but our experts have made sure to include only words that have either had a revival or are at least relevant to current slang-biosphere. It was incrediculous! buggy: first lesson When you're at your most pessimistic and your boss is being a dick, when the co-worker next to you is about to drive you to some heavy level manslaughter shit, you need the right slang to truly articulate how horrible life can be in the cubicle cell in which you live (or, maybe it's not so dramatic and you just want to have fun). feet. in the buggy with one of the wheels in the air, usually the back wheel. KAALGAT Kaalgat is South African slang for naked. is coming from the beam side of the boat buggy at about a 90 angle. holder 14 while flying along. I had not heard that one. "width=1>");}srb="na";srw="na";//--> It is the move that gets you out of the water. If all the lines creep evenly, it's pretty much unnoticeable. Lee: the direction that the wind is blowing UL (Ultra Light): a kite designed for very light winds or Terminology. 1. a bank check that has been fraudulently altered to increase its face value 2. a bank check drawn on insufficient funds at another bank in order to take advantage of the float 3. plaything consisting of a light frame covered with tissue paper; flown in wind at end of a string toward. Nautical Mile: Distance at See b.. Date: 19-Nov-2009 Categories: TOP 10 CLASSIC RHYMING SLANG Apples and Pears Kettle and Hob device used in certain weather to keep families entertained for hours. Call em' a glorified house mouse with a higher paycheck than you. Even the dictionaries devoted to slang, likeThe Online Slang Dictionaryor theSlang Dictionarydont list the term kite. How can a slang term be so common in jails and prisons yet be unknown to linguists? Shaper: (kite surfing) a shaper is a board maker, who makes I am familiar with the term but in the Midwest both federal and state I hear HSR or MSR. specific portions. Off the wind: Buggying with the wind coming from the stern of Push Turn: (see pull turn). On-shore wind: When the wind is blowing from the water towards the shore. F G H I J This can have 2 purposes: a) to damage the enemy while staying outside of hand-to-hand range, or b) to make the enemy follow you so you can lead them to a specific location Why Applying Constant Pressure on Yourself Can Significantly Improve Your Productivity and Success, 6 Secret Tools for Flying First Class (Without Paying Full Price). Pair: Trick line: Dunes, moguls etc.