They are licensed by individual states, most of Skills: Art/Craft (Photography), Climb, one inter-them requiring a high school education and three years personal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate orof pharmacy school. 9. staged meetspossibly Skills:, Art/Craft (Acting), Disguise, Drive Auto, two even the Olympicsor interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, any two other skills as per-This acrobat can swing on just professionals employed sonal or era specialties (e.g. Claymore Mine: The weapon has a cone of fire; allow nomi-At very long range, when only an Extreme success will hit the nal 120-degree, an impale only occurs with a critical hit (a roll of 01). Morans Air Rifle fire 1 shot per round. phasize its personal nature. Dodge, First Aid, Natural World, Medicine, Science (Pharmacy), (Zoology).Clerk/ExecutiveOccupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Credit Rating: 920Suggested Contacts: Other office workers.Skills: Accounting, Language, Law, Library Use or Com- puter Use, Listen, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), any two other skills as personal or era specialties. You should choose only those Alienist [Classic]skills appropriate to the historical setting in which your Animal Trainergame is taking place. *for each +80 points or fraction thereof, +1D6 DB and +1 Build Copy your skill points into the Dodge box so that all your combat skills are in one place for handy reference. For instance, in the sample occupations, Antiquarian If both DEX and STR are each less than SIZ: MOV 7 encompasses: Appraise, Art/Craft, History, Library Use, Taxis are requiredto be fitted with approved meters, periodically checked by Credit Rating: 1030the citys taxi board. A tribal group is nominally relatively small. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Scientists are employed by businesses and universities to carry out research. Players are encouraged to playeither sex based upon their preference rather than tactical Your investigators day-to-day living standards are dictatedconsiderations. Burglar see Criminal Butler/Valet[Lovecraftian] Occupations important in Lovecrafts stories. with the entertainment sec- Agency Detective tor (e.g. In game play this means that the player must be presented with the oppor- Birthplace tunity to make at least one dice roll to save the connection. The Keeper will advise on whatName other equipment an investigator may start out with. success with a shotgun blast at close range will do 24 damage!1B, 2B: 1 barrel, 2 barrels. Flappers are most often employed as secretar- ies, sales help or in other, similar work. Gambler and a risk-taker (e.g. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Skills: Drive Auto, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Credit Rating: 3080 Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Listen, Mechanical Repair, Navigate, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as Suggested Contacts: Other physicians, medical workers, a personal or era specialty. life and soul of the party, entertaining 6. Own Language, Persuade, Psychology. The STR, DEX, CON, SIZ, APP, INT, POW and EDUGiven the limited life expectancy of the average investigator,this is unlikely to be much of a concern for many players! A place for socializing (e.g. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Items that fit the profile of your investigators living standard do not need to be paid foryou simply own those. the trunk of artifacts to safety. If you dont like your dice rolls then This method is recommended if you wish to get up andscrap them and start again. Possibly family- Suggested Contacts: Generally only the person the spyrun, with relations also working on the premises, however reports to, possibly other connections developednormally few, if any, employees. If they were able to stack their respec-tive knowledge on a table like poker chips and measure the Master: among the worlds best in thedifference, a physicist of 60% in the modern day knows skill.much more than a physicist of 90% skill in 1910. the Keeper agrees that there is sufficient overlap with that Equally, some skills would be affected by location. local businesses and household suppliers. cialists include organizational psychologists who work with businesses and governments, as well as academics conduct- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ing research or teaching psychology. 65 13 70 14 EDU is no longer the only characteristic used to generate 75 15Occupational Skill Points. Credit Rating: 930 Although specializing in one field of science, any sci- Suggested Contacts: Military, veterans associations. 3. Credit Rating: 930 Skills: Climb, First Aid, Jump, Listen, Navigate, Other Suggested Contacts: Hospital workers, physicians, com- Language, Survival (Alpine or as appropriate), munity workers. Sometimes coming up with background details on the fly Second, it can be called upon during the investigator can be difficult. This immunity is quite limited: the key connection can Additional Details be killed, removed or destroyed by the Keeper, but the in- vestigator to whom they are connected must be involved, Fill in the following details on the investigator sheet. Think about what personal history,Not one man who participated in that terrible raid could ever friends, enemies, and achievements could have led your investigator to delve in to the secrets of the induced to say a word concerning it, and every fragment of There are ten categories listed on the back of the investi- the vague data which survives comes from those outside the gator sheet; try to write down at least one entry for the first six 51investigator's handbookTips for creating a backstory Third, and perhaps most im- Most of the ideas and abilities that portantly of all, the corruption of make an investigator interesting and What about your investigators the investigators background mir- fun to play are a matter of choice, profession? Identify the skill and consider who taught you (e.g. Check Call of Cthulhu Keeper Handbook from danielsalveson here. The sugges- iwtlfasHHohSioAtornwpenassaudotdrracl.HtvhdveupgAeHreigaelamayytrrrili.nsheldtsvuogostaedtA,swceoypeiacd.vwnsenHssesThceutgrsaiuieihfoicnclurvlcleeittvtlepeliehesosKaanSHeystrtpetetssa.aegooouurptutnPhcdvaencHseedrneyeyetasbiciainsdthtaecsfhtldiiukoyanpecesllcrhoagndkPfgtareoewdywsnarryrtwciroshacleeoluhsweaillttolccaadnohtlfulorielgoaalogbortunclmy-wy-tan,tions given should be viewed as simply thatsuggestions. karma, the class system, Significant People superstitious). a letter you found in 9. S Add one of the following to the investigatorsOption 6: Reaching the Heights of backstory: Injury/Scar or a Phobia/Mania associatedHuman Potential with the war.You may have noticed that many characteristics have a max- S Add 70 bonus skill points divided amongst any ofimum of 99, but the dice rolls only allow for a maximumscore of 90. The decadesaw the professionalization of academicanthropology in the U.S. and the growthof psychological anthropologyanAmerican contribution to anthropo-logical theory. Neighbor-hood ethnic gangs, who had heretofore limited their activi- Suggested Contacts: Gangsters, law enforce-ties to local protection schemes and small gambling rackets, ment, local businesses.discovered the immense profits to be made in the illegalbeer and liquor industry. Talented or not, the artists ego must be hardy and terpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate orstrong to surmount initial obstacles and critical appraisal, Persuade), Swim, Throw, any one other skill as aand to keep them working if success arrives. Skills: Accounting, Art/Craft (Typing or Short Hand), two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- While information gathering and counter intelligence date or Persuade), Own Language, Library Use or comprise the key work of a spy, other tasks may be per- Computer Use, Psychology, any one other skill as a formed, such as recruiting moles or carrying out state- personal or era specialty. what do you blame them? Getting noticed is hard and thengetting a recording contract is also difficult. 25 97 26 98 Damage Bonus 27+ 99 Lower damage bonuses have been changed in 7th edition.Let us turn, as always, to our old friend, Harvey Walters. chemicals and drugs. Download. Option 4: Point Buy Characteristics For these reasons, a selection of alternative methods of Share 460 points among the eight characteristics as youcreating investigators are listed below. A famous person. busy city). You idolize them (e.g. An occupation ties together a cluster of skills. A skill level of 50% is high enough to let a character eke Pushing Skillsout a living from it. are similar to soldiers in background, training and skills. 55investigator's handbook 8. interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Spot Hidden. A few musicians liv-ing in large cities like Chicago or New York find steady work *With the Keepers agreement, may include Cthulhuin their hometown, but most spend significant amounts of Mythos (with an advised starting maximum oftime on the road, touring either by bus, by automobile or 10%).by train. Further entries may be added or existing ones altered Think about historic events and whether your investiga-during play. Parent (e.g. tsmaamoaknsniaakeldldcscsLhheefE,aalioeelatnricevennitcrecratd,tairthchlitcciHheosaatemantculaarrdrbseRvsbkieseenieu.nyblpeeleodatc.ttiaihrrsMtTitmccerheaoomcuemllh,slp.tapsitotbnasOeerimtcenshatdueoelcticRoKsreroeeseblbpesplofpoaautteiihihlsrrrThe latitude for what could justify a pushed roll is wide, safIiwauiodtfgrnncihascchttdlieeoeynenNaeErs1dgbtolwmo0eailotncle%ieaEttnrghikrlentseibihstccnksottaetkMhgoitrllihieilolRmcemlinlawscenaphlepaotsoatakbudiRernmeioilrtredcita.ucpehetnHabwxalrtclMeaioiaoersmRlrn,elceoseechapdufhphonaluciuaueasndcc.isnseercliHcsicydencsohaagiaotmnvaiorflseandvpsR1euc1asr%eteyci0orhpncilh%e.aenolgnsasiflg,.sresand should be best determined by actions, motivations andevents within the game. Breaking and entering, threats, and physical abuse are equivalentthe butler is responsible for male servants within the household. Normally, the deprogrammer likely to betray the dilettantes true characteris hired by relatives of an individual, who has and/or interests.joined some form of cult, in order to breakthem free (usually by kidnapping) and then sub- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2ject them to psychological techniques to free them of theirassociation (conditioning) with the cult. Ability with this skill may enable the making The skill also denotes a familiarity with the art world, andor repair of an itemsomething typically the artist may be able to determine a particular artistsrequiring equipment and time, to be de-termined by the Keeper, if necessary. You 25 5do not have to write all of the half and fifth values on the 30 6investigator sheet, however weve found that doing so speeds 35 7up play, especially when players are asked to make a roll and 40 8announce the level of success. Refer to the Equipment and Weapons lists (see pages @@).chapter 3: creating investigatorsQuick Reference Chart for Half and Fifth ValuesHalf Fifth Half Fifth Half Fifth Half FifthBase Value Value Base Value Value Base Value Value Base Value ValueNumber () (1/5) Number () (1/5) Number () (1/5) Number () (1/5)10 26 51 25 762 13 38 27 52 77 10 5 26 10 153 28 53 784 14 39 29 54 79 2 275 30 55 806 15 40 31 56 81 3 2871 32 6 57 11 82 168 16 41 33 58 83 4 299 34 59 8410 17 42 35 60 85 5 3011 36 61 8612 2 18 43 37 7 62 12 87 17 6 3113 38 63 8814 19 44 39 64 89 7 3215 40 65 9016 20 45 41 66 91 8 3317 3 42 8 67 13 92 1818 21 46 43 68 93 9 3419 44 69 9420 22 47 45 70 95 10 3521 46 71 9622 4 23 48 47 9 72 14 97 19 11 3623 48 73 9824 24 49 49 74 99 12 3725 5 50 25 10 75 15 100 50 20Find the characteristic or skill value under the Base Number columns and read across to determinethe half and fifth values. Small-town mayors and township dian, juggler, musician or anyone else who earns a living insupervisors find their influence extends little beyond their front of an audience. even the freshest of second lieutenants, veteran sergeants are respected by even the highest-ranking officers. Operating on very similar lines to their 1920s coun-terparts, the contemporary gangster boss also needs a range A man of good breeding, courteous behav-of underlings to promote, secure and trade their business ior and good conduct. 4. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + Credit Rating: 930 APP x 2 Suggested Contacts: News industry, politicians, street- Credit Rating: 5-50 level crime or law enforcement. humanity. chapter 3: creating investigatorstions of that skill (seeChapter 5: Skills).Credit RatingAn investigators starting Living StandardsCredit Rating (CR) is de- Credit Rating 0: Penniless Credit Rating 50-89: Wealthytermined during charac-ter creation, based upon A person who cannot even afford the level of This level of wealth affords luxury and comfort.the investigators chosen poor is considered penniless.profession (see Chapter Accommodation: a substantial residence,4: Occupations). and coverage. Apart from personal goals, three aimshelping patients, Credit Rating: 2060 gaining money and prestige, and promoting a more rational and wiser societyare common to the profession. parish church, Mecca, Stonehenge). A complete list of skills and their new titles appearsnearby.Credit RatingIf your character already has a recorded value for theirwealth, this may remain unchanged. 80chapter 4: occupationsGambler lawyers, businesses and residents of the same ethnic community.Gamblers are the dandies of the criminal world. Check all flipbooks from startobb. Adjust the following for the investigator:S Choose a starting age of 30 or over.S Deduct 1D10 from SAN.S Add a Phobia/Mania associated with medical experience to the investigators backstory.S Add 60 bonus skill points divided amongst any of the following skills: First Aid, Law, Listen, Medicine, Psychology, Spot Hidden, Science (any two).S Note on the investigator sheet: Immune to sanity losses resulting from viewing a corpse or gross injury.Mythos Experience Package aAddphtoothoegrraCpthhueuprlhmduraiMvyicnyatghphotuesrrsekmiilmalda!gaens dthmatamy eanydThe investigator has knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos,either in an academic sense or through tangible experience. Usually a person with an apprecia- small conversion to a privatetive eye and a swift mind, who frequently finds mordant orcontemptuous humor in the foolishness of the ignorant, the house or a multi-millionpompous, and the greedy. 7. 4. leOsIncectseukrpeilaslst-if wished. The leader is Skills: Art/Craft (Acting) or Disguise, Appraise, one either a firm believer in the dogma they impart to the cults interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk or Intimidate), members or simply in it for the money and power. Cowboys work the ranges and ranches of the West.Computer Programmer/ Some own their own ranches, however many areTechnician/Hacker simply hired where and when work is available. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2 or STR x 2)Engineer Credit Rating: 5580A specialist in mechanical or electrical devices, employedin a civilian business or in the military, but also includ- Suggested Contacts: Major libraries, universities, mu-ing inventors. Whether your appearance and yourther roll on the tables or simply pick ones that seem suitable, personality match is another question; a person may lookor just use the lists for inspiration. Skills: Art/Craft (any), two interpersonal skills (Charm, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + STR x 2 Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Firearms (Rifle/ Shotgun), History, Other Language (any), Navigate, Credit Rating: 6-15 Ride. Except for a few oc- cupations like Soldier, additional skill points for Fighting and Firearms normally come out of personal interest skill points. Take the result and 2. Suggested Contacts: Local businesspeople, state agricul- tural departments, rodeo promoters and entertain- A fence is someone who trades in stolen property, usu- ers. As appropriate, roll 1D10 on each of the following charts Here are some possibilitiesto select an entry for each category. Just note big city? Most Skills: Drive Auto, Electronic or Electrical Repair, Fight-are specialized in one part of the world, such as the Canadian ing or Firearms, one interpersonal skill (Fast Talk,woods, African plains, or other. If you prefer, you could cut outmight speak Cantonese. Double this each range, written as short range/medium range/long range.round until extinguished (providing target is flammable). While some used scien-long hours in close proximity with the animals in their care. Often these jobs are part-time, pay- show what they do best and love the consequent but small compensation. This school was rootedin the concept of culture as a mentalphenomenon. Researchers other skill as a personal or era specialty. The signature setting for Call of Cthulhu, prohibition-era America is covered in detail. 1920s changes most minds, and by the present day such a background is generally felt to be an advantage. Archeologist [Lovecraftian] Skills: Law, Listen, Medicine, Other Language, Psycho- analysis, Psychology, Science (Biology), (Chemistry). Before long they controlled whole Skills: Art/Craft (any), two interpersonalsections of cities and warred with one another in the streets. Others cover social events and garden skill as a personal or era specialty. Science (Geology) Geology Science (Pharmacy) Pharmacy Players should be especially aware of the new social skills Science (Physics) Physicsof Charm and Intimidate, and may wish to spend points Sleight of Hand Concealfrom their skill pool to boost these. 259, investigator's handbook Rifle and Shotgun were previously two Combat Skills (Kick, Punch, Head separate skills, but have now been amal- Butt, Grapple, Knife and Club) gamated. entertaining clients as much as their expenses account will allow. Latter-Day Saints, who specialize in two-year proselytizingUsually they have their own unionsalmost guildsthat missions to urban areas, including parts of the U.S. andbargain with contractors and corporate employers. Few manage to sell the grandiose designs theyall nurse. Stay in top hotels.of starting levels for eachprofession can be broad, Credit Rating 10-49: Average Travel: first class. John Garfield transactions, financial statements and other and Francis Bushman are forgotten for new stars such as records. Praise, vengeance, giftsand fatalities are frequent. Brushes,Officer, which carries with it a prestige respected by even vacuum cleaners and encyclopedias are only a few of thehigh-ranking officers. Driver Skills: First Aid, Medicine, Other Language (Latin), Psychology, Science (Biology and Pharmacy), any Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) two other skills as academic or personal specialties. 61investigator's handbookOrganized Crime Experience Package S Reduce maximum Sanity in line with CthulhuThe investigator has spent most, if not all, of their life Mythos skill.involved in organized crime. reactions in the viewerperhaps only the most decadent could appreciate it.Art and Craft (Specializations) (05%) Examples of Art and Craft SpecializationsThe investigator sheet contains blank spaces for specializa- Acting (05%): The performer is trained in theatrical and/tions of this skill, for example: or film acting (in the modern era, this may also include television), able to adopt a persona, memorize scripts andActing Barber Carpenter utilize stage/movie make-up to alter their appearance. The range unreliable. Traditionally the butler Persuade), is charge of the dining room, wineBounty Hunter cellar and pantry, and ranks as theBounty hunters track down and return fugitives to justice.Most often freelancers employed by Bail Bondsmen to track highest male servant. An essential item for your occupation (e.g. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 Hospital Orderly Credit Rating: 40-90 The typical hospital orderly is in charge of emptying waste, Suggested Contacts: Upper classes and landed gentry, cleaning rooms, taxiing patients, and any other odd job politics, servants and agricultural workers. country and abroad. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Skills: Art/Craft (Any), Firearms, Other Language, Ride, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- Credit Rating: 2050 date or Persuade), any three other skills as personal or era specialties. In the U.S., a lawyer tends to mean an attorney, while in Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 England the term loosely refers to a variety of professions including barristers, solicitors and legal executives. 53investigator's handbookPeriod Names Choose or roll 1D100 twice: first roll for either a male or female first name; second roll for a last name.Male Names Female Names Surnames Male Names Female Names Surnames1 Aaron Adele Abraham 26 Emanuel Cordelia Fandrick2 Abraham Agatha Adler 27 Emmet Cynthia Farwell3 Addison Agnes Ankins 28 Enoch Daisy Feigel4 Amos Albertina Avery 29 Ephraim Dolores Felten5 Anderson Almeda Barnham 30 Everett Doris Fenske6 Archibald Amelia Bentz 31 Ezekiel Edith Fillman7 August Anastasia Bessler 32 Forest Edna Finley8 Barnabas Annabelle Blakely 33 Gilbert Eloise Firske9 Barney Asenath Bleeker 34 Granville Elsie Flanagan10 Baxter Augusta Bouche 35 Gustaf Estelle Franklin11 Blair Barbara Bretz 36 Hampton Ethel Freeman12 Caleb Bernadette Brock 37 Harmon Eudora Frisbe13 Cecil Bernice Buchman 38 Henderson Eugenie Gore14 Chester Beryl Butts 39 Herman Eunice Greenwald15 Clifford Beulah Caffey 40 Hilliard Florence Hahn16 Clinton Camilla Click 41 Howard Frieda Hammermeister17 Cornelius Carmen Cordova 42 Hudson Genevieve Heminger18 Curtis Caroline Crabtree 43 Irvin Gertrude Hogue19 Dayton Cecilia Crankovitch 44 Issac Gladys Hollister20 Delbert Celeste Cuthburt 45 Jackson Gretchen Kasper21 Douglas Charity Cuttling 46 Jacob Hannah Kisro22 Dudley Christina Dorman 47 Jeremiah Henrietta Kleeman23 Ernest Clarissa Eakley 48 Jonah Hoshea Lake24 Eldridge Claudia Eddie 49 Josiah Ingrid Levard25 Elijah Constance Elsner4. Criminal also Gangster Cult LeaderOccupation Skill Points: Determines which Characteris- Deprogrammer [Modern]tics are used to derive the investigators occupation skills. That's because only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible or the physiology of fear-the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with latent instincts or hereditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness. Some eight characteristics. drop of a hat. Money is power, and Im going to get all I can (e.g. Allot these points to any skills the result:to round out the investigator (notforgetting fighting and firearms STR+SIZ DB Build STR+SIZ DB Buildskills, if appropriate). Era specialty if you dont like your dice rolls then this method is if! Most minds, and Im going to get up andscrap them and start again you dont like dice! 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